Monday, July 24, 2006

starbucks :(

gw adalah penggila coffe ... segala macam jenis minuman ini gw pasti mo nyoba, dari mulai kopi aceh sampe kopi ambon pernah gw minum ttp aja meski ga dibayar :P gw akan menulis satu merk gw penggila nescafe dan starbuck ...

tiap pagi siang dan malam dalam suasana apapun ketika pilihan tak bisa pada kadar 40% nan :D gw pasti milih buat neguk nescafe dan sesekali santai di starbuck la piaza ...

tapi mulai beberapa hari yg lalu, gw menghentikan kebiasaan buruk gw menghamburkan ratusan ribu dan waktu gw berjam2 buat nongkrong distarbucks sambil ngisep malboro setelah menerima email ini...

A Thank you To All Starbucks CustomersWritten by Howard SchultzTuesday, 11 July 2006Dear Starbucks Customer,First and foremost I want to thank you for making Starbucks the $6.4billion global company it is today, with more than 90,000 employees,9,700 stores, and 33 million weekly customers. Every latte and macchiatoyou drink at Starbucks is a contribution to the close alliance betweenthe United States and Israel, in fact it is - as I was assured whenbeing honoured with the " Israel 50th Anniversary Friend of Zion TributeAward" - key to Israel's long-term PR success. Your daily chocolatechips frappucino helps paying for student projects in North America andIsrael, presenting them with the badly needed Israeli perspective of theIntifada.Starbucks, through the Jerusalem Fund of Aish HaTorah, an internationalnetwork of Jewish education centres, sponsors Israeli military armsfairs in an effort to strengthen the special connection between theAmerican, European and Israeli defense industries and to showcase thenewest Israeli innovations in defense . As my contribution to the fightagainst the global rise of anti-Semitism, the reason behind the currentconflict in the Middle-East, I help Aish HaTorah sponsoring the website"" and produce material informing of Israel 's sideof the story.Without you, my valued customer, I wouldn't be able to raise hundreds ofmillions of dollars each year to support Israeli citizens from terroristattacks and keep reminding every Jew in America, to defendIsrael at anycost. $5 billion per year from the US government are no way near enoughto pay for all the weaponry, bulldozers and security fences needed toprotect innocent Israeli citizens from anti -Semitic Muslim terrorism.Corporate sponsorships are essential.Having the bigger picture in mind, Starbucks have donated a store to theUS army to help in the "War on Terror". I cannot emphasise enough, howvital the "War on Terror" is for the continued viability and prosperingof the Jewish State.So next time you feel like chilling out at a Starbucks store, pleaseremember that with every cup you drink at Starbucks you are helping witha noble cause.Howard SchultzChairman & Chief Global StrategistStarbucks Coffee Stores B.RabadiGeneral DirectorZEINA Jerusalem, 14267Tel: +972 2 5812587Mob. 0544- 864 813,__._,_.___-------------------------------------------------------

Written by Howard Schultz
Tuesday, 11 July 2006
Dear Starbucks Customer,First and foremost I want to thank you for making Starbucks the $6.4 billion global company it is today, with more than 90,000 employees, 9,700 stores, and 33 million weekly customers. Every latte and macchiato you drink at Starbucks is a contribution to the close alliance between the United States and Israel, in fact it is - as I was assured when being honoured with the " Israel 50th Anniversary Friend of Zion Tribute Award" - key to Israel's long-term PR success. Your daily chocolate chips frappucino helps paying for student projects in North America and Israel, presenting them with the badly needed Israeli perspective of the Intifada. Starbucks, through the Jerusalem Fund of Aish HaTorah, an international network of Jewish education centres, sponsors Israeli military arms fairs in an effort to strengthen the special connection between the American, European and Israeli defense industries and to showcase the newest Israeli innovations in defense . As my contribution to the fight against the global rise of anti-Semitism, the reason behind the current conflict in the Middle-East, I help Aish HaTorah sponsoring the website "" and produce material informing of Israel 's side of the story. Without you, my valued customer, I wouldn't be able to raise hundreds of millions of dollars each year to support Israeli citizens from terrorist attacks and keep reminding every Jew in America, to defendIsrael at any cost. $5 billion per year from the US government are no way near enough to pay for all the weaponry, bulldozers and security fences needed to protect innocent Israeli citizens from anti -Semitic Muslim terrorism. Corporate sponsorships are essential. Having the bigger picture in mind, Starbucks have donated a store to the US army to help in the "War on Terror". I cannot emphasise enough, how vital the "War on Terror" is for the continued viability and prospering of the Jewish State. So next time you feel like chilling out at a Starbucks store, please remember that with every cup you drink at Starbucks you are helping with a noble cause. Howard SchultzChairman & Chief Global StrategistStarbucks Coffee Stores

ASLI GW BT BANGET!!!! muak aja sekarang lewat starbucks :( gw bahkan nyesel banget pernah 2tahun harus addict sama ni kopi :(

sekarang gw akan katakan tidak pada STARBUCKS!!!

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